Oana Teodora Moldovan

Afiliatted researcher. Geochronology Program
I am specialized in cave biology / ecology, with a doctorate in ecology obtained at the Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse, France). Among the important personal achievements are: the description of five new species for science, the first description of the chemical communication mechanism in cave invertebrates, the first article on adaptations of cave beetle antenna microstructures, participation in the discovery of the oldest modern human with Neanderthal ancestors in Europe, defining new proxies for paleoclimate and paleoenvironment in cave sediments (fossil invertebrates, fossil microorganisms), establishing the first protocol for monitoring caves based on microorganisms, the first interdisciplinary study of cave sediments as a carbon source for the cave ecosystem, etc.
I am the editor-in-chief for Subterranean Biology, have been a member of the scientific committees of many international conferences, evaluator for international projects, and coordinated 12 national and four international projects.