Since 2010. the CENIEH has been encouraging scientific vocations and making science accessible to the public, thanks to the collaboration of the Fundación “la Caixa” and the FECYT, while this year's event will also take place in Merindad de Río Ubierna

This morning, at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), the Burgos program was presented for the Thirteenth European Researchers' Night, an action which forms part of the European Horizon Program and will take place on September 30th in over 400 cities around the continent, with the aim of making researchers accessible to children and adults in an entertaining and fun way.
In addition to the two sites in Burgos, in the CENIEH building and at the Estación de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, the 2022 edition will also feature a new site outside the city, in Villanueva de Río Ubierna, in harmony with our objective of bringing science and the scientific community to rural areas.
“Bringing science and the work of scientists to rural areas is a priority for the CENIEH, bearing in mind the strategic role rural communities play in guaranteeing a more sustainable, equitable, healthy, and secure future”, said María Martinón-Torres, director of the CENIEH, during the press conference, which included sign-language interpretation (ILS) thanks to the collaboration of ARANSBUR (Asociación de Familias de Personas Sordas de Burgos).
The other participants in the presentation were: José María Del Olmo Arce, mayor of Merindad de Río Ubierna; Mª Isabel Soto Muñoz, head of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit at the Universidad de Burgos; Francisco Gutiérrez Sedano, representing the Asociación "Cotorreo Blanco" of Villanueva de Río Ubierna, and Chitina Moreno-Torres Rodríguez-Contreras, head of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) at the CENIEH.
Thanks to the collaboration of the Fundación “la Caixa” and the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) – Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, the CENIEH has been encouraging scientific vocations and communicating science for 12 years through this event, which has been gradually joined by other institutions of Castilla y León, like the Universidad de Burgos, Universidad de León, Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad de Valladolid, the Fábrica de Luz. Museo de la Energía in Ponferrada, and the Museo de la Ciencia in Valladolid.
All the activities are free, although some of them, such as the workshops and the visit to the Luminescence Laboratory, require an invitation, which can be collected at the CENIEH from Monday September 26th. It is also possible to pick up the sheet for the Drawing Competition.