The main objective of the Paleobiology Program is to discover the biological characteristics of early hominids. The Program includes characterization of recent populations and those of other fossil and extant primates, to serve as a fundamental reference for knowledge about the ancestors of members of the family Hominidae. The Program covers areas such as paleoecology, paleophysiology, biomechanics, paleodemography, paleodiets, paleoethology, paleogenetics, paleohistology, paleoneurology, paleopathology, and other aspects of the biology of past populations, as well as the morphological description of fossils and assessment of possible taxonomic and phylogenetic assignment. Genetic variability and its relationship to the dental phenotype is also explored.
Researcher: Paleoecology and human-environment interactions

Project Technician

Postdoctoral Researcher in Spatial Analysis

Ad Honorem Member
Postdoctoral Research: Paleoproteomics

Project Technician

Pre-doctoral researcher of Fundación Atapuerca - CENIEH

Affiliated researcher. Paleobiology Program
Affiliated researcher. Paleobiology Program
Research: Dental Anthropology


Postdoctoral researcher - Curator of Ratón Pérez Collection


Researcher: Paleophisiology and Ecology of Hominins.
Postdoctoral researcher

Affiliated researcher. Paleobiology Program

Virtual Paleonthology Technician

Predoctoral researcher

Researcher - Curator

Researcher ERC-2020-STG DEATHREVOL Project

Predoctoral researcher

Predoctoral Researcher

Affiliated researcher. Paleobiology Program.

Afiliatted researcher. Paleobiology program